Sunday 15 April 2007

Moral Rating: Extremely Offensive

Check out the film reviews at Here they are on Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone...
Negative - I’m sorry but this film is completely anti-christian. Not only does it not have anything at all to do with God but it promotes such acts as divination, necromancy, incantations and other occultic practices, and such behaviour like lying, cheating, stealing and other bad behaviours that kids will imitate as HP is a hero amongst their generation. HP seemed to have a hypnotic feel to it as if it was drawing you into something more than just a movie. If I offend anyone with my next statement then tough, but it’s the truth… the Word tells us that in the last days many will be led astray, even the elect (Christians), and even goes on to tell us that Satan comes as an angel of light. HP is such an angel, showing courage, friendship and the battle of 'good vs evil' but, in the end, it’s all worldly. Where has discernment gone in the body of Christ? Where have morals gone also? Bottom line: This film is [not of God]…
My Ratings: [Extremely Offensive / 1]
—Pastor C St. John, age 30

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