Wednesday, 20 June 2007


Here's a molecule of Arseole.

Anyway, research suggests Gardasil, a vaccine against human papilloma virus (HPV) - the cause of most cervical cancer - could prevent more than 700 deaths a year in the UK. A committee of experts has recommended that all girls of 12 should have jabs. While senior doctors warn that hundreds of women will die of cervical cancer because government advisers have delayed a decision to introduce the vaccination programme, some ethical and religious groups oppose the scheme altogether.

Here's Stephen Green, National Director of Christian Voice :

Anyone giving this drug to a girl is telling her: "I think you are a slag".

Young women will be thinking they have more protection than they actually have. No-one will bother to warn them that they are not protected against Chlamydia and that even condoms offer barely any protection against sexually-transmitted diseases either.
And here's Colin Hart, the director of the Christian Institute charity:

It's basically a sex jab, encouraging the view that girls can be sexually available. It is a disease that you can only get through being sexually promiscuous.
Arseole is rarely found in its pure form. The molecule.

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