Yes. You're reading that right. Over at
Answers in Genesis we learn that believing evolution is the foundation for such evils as abortion, pornography, homosexuals and lawlessness. Here they are on Drugs and Evolution...
"My naive belief in evolution had three important practical consequences:
1. It strongly encouraged me to look to drugs as an ultimate source of comfort and creativity.
2. It led me to the conclusion that God, if He was around at all, was a very distant and impersonal figure, separated from humanity by very great distances of space and time.
3. It led me to increasingly abandon the moral values I had been taught at home, because when man is viewed as an arbitrary by-product of Time + Matter + Chance, there is no logical reason for treating men or women as objects of dignity and respect, since in principle they are no different from the animals, trees, and rocks from which they supposedly came."
Here's some more...
"Trotsky … another monster brainwashed by evolution"
"World's worst mass-murderer was influenced by Darwin at 19"
AiG are a US tax-exempt organization with offices in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan and the United Kingdom. They are currently building the Creation Museum in
Petersburg, Kentucky. The projected cost is around US $27 million - it opens on 28
th May.
Rather worryingly, AiG executive director Ken Ham derides Christians who abide by the idea that they must tolerate “all religious ways, beliefs and practices.” Referring to an organization in his native Australia called “Toleration” that opposes teaching creationism, Ham says,
“Do you know what tolerance of all religious ways, beliefs and practices means? It means an intolerance of absolutes. Christ said, “I am THE WAY,” (not one of the ways),--THE TRUTH (not one of several different and acceptable approaches to truth). If anyone is intolerant of absolutes, they are intolerant of Christ.”
Oooookkkkaaaaaayyyyy... Walks backwards out of room.
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