There are times when science and religion clash for example Galileo vs the Catholic church or the Catholic Church's opposition to the use of condoms as a strategy to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS, teen pregnancy, and STDs. The Church maintains that the promotion of abstinence is the only effective way to deal with the AIDS crisis. From the Guardian...
The Catholic Church is telling people in countries stricken by Aids not to use condoms because they have tiny holes in them through which HIV can pass - potentially exposing thousands of people to risk. A senior Vatican spokesman backs the claims about permeable condoms, despite assurances by the World Health Organisation that they are untrue.BBC Panorama featured...
an interview with a Catholic woman in Uganda who has chosen to sleep unprotected with her infected husband: "We won't go to heaven if we use condoms," she explains. Asked if the woman made the right choice, the Archbishop of Kampala, Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala, replies: "If it is wrong to use the condom, then she has made the right choice." Even if it costs her her life? "Yes," replies the cardinal. "That is a harsh teaching," the reporter responds.Well, it may be time for the latest craziness with the discovery of a planet in the habitable zone around a lightweight red dwarf star called Gliese 581. Check out Stephen Jones' blog on the newly discovered planet.
Here's some of his views...
Christianity. Is the one true religion, in the sense of God's only way of salvation. Is proven true beyond reasonable doubt by Jesus Christ fulfilling multiple prophecies of Messiah's time of comingSeems he picks up a scientific theory/article, then runs through it marking his bold comments on anything that doesn't fit his beliefs. Brilliant.
Evolution. Cosmological and biological change over time in which God had no part. Does not actually exist, except in the sense of a counterfeit of the genuine article, creation.
I think if my blog and Stephen Jones' anti-blog ever touched, they would immediately annihilate each other and disappear.
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